Membership in HHFSC

Join HHFSC today! Membership is annual from July 1 - June 30 and includes membership in the U.S. Figure Skating Association. Online membership through Entryeeze.
Fees are:
Individual $ 82
Family of 2 $124
Family of 3 or more $145
Coach $ 75
Home Club Judge $ 72
Introductory Individual $ 45
Introductory Family of 2 $ 60
Collegiate (4 yrs.) $110
Associate (for reduced ice and test fees) $55
“It's invigorating. It's musical. When you step off the ice you could climb mountains.”

“It's physically and mentally challenging and wonderfully addicting.”
Benefits of Membership
Have a very active Board and Club providing representation at Governing Council Meetings where decisions affecting Figure Skating are made.
Subscription to "Skating" magazine.
Club website maintained to provide up-to-date information useful to skaters.
E-mail newsletter with updates on upcoming events.
May enjoy many social opportunities provided to Club members through skating sessions and planned events.
USFSA test sessions.
Reduced test fees at Club test sessions.
Receive a USFSA badge for having passed tests.
Will be given Awards/Recognition at year-end for most tests passed.
May qualify for some expense subsidy when traveling to qualifying competitions and representing HHFSC.
Access to USFSA grant programs for qualified athletes, supporting those deemed most deserving through the Memorial Fund, Competitive Skater Assistance Program, and Academic Scholarship Program.
Qualified coaching staff for dance and freestyle skating.
Judges' critiques for testers and competitors.
Are offered school notification for your skating accomplishments.
May purchase Club apparel. Warm up suits bearing the Club logo may be obtained.
Programs to further education and development of club skaters.
A Club Sanction Officer. (Sanctions are issued by the USFSA to protect the eligibility of its members. With few exceptions, all carnivals, exhibitions, appearances, or entertainment of any kind where USFSA skaters participate must be sanctioned. Contact us for more information.)
Be a part of Hickory Hill; volunteer and become involved with the club, it's fun! Please contact membership.